Spring Cleaning is like hitting the refresh button for your home.
With spring around the corner, feel lighter and brighter in your home; ready for a summer full of entertaining.
Here’s our top 5 tips on spring cleaning to help get you started.
There’s always cleaning to be done and easy ways to freshen up a home and garden.
We have compiled a list of tips and tricks that will get your started on your spring cleaning.
1. The bathroom
2. Windows
3. Walls and Skirtings
4. Carpets and Tiles
5. Vacuum
Table of Contents
Toggle1: Spring cleaning The Bathroom
With so many chemicals on the market you may be at a loss at which one to choose for simple cleaning tasks that work but are also safe and a little more environmentally friendly. Why not try cleaning the shower and bathroom with baking soda and Vinegar. There are some great solution recipes online.
You can also clear drains with a salt, vinegar, baking soda and warm water solution.
Bathrooms seem like a never-ending grime pool and there might only be time to clean parts of the bathroom at a time with the modern day, busy lifestyle.
Our advice is to give the whole bathroom a really, really good, elbow grease kind of scrub including grout, shower screens and drains. Getting back to square one helps the weekly upkeep seem easier and much more manageable.
Definitely one of those spring cleaning kind of jobs.
2: See Clearly through those Windows!
Cleaning the windows and window fittings can be a headache but boy it’s worth it.
After a winter of cold mildew windows, rain and storms, it’s time to clean those windows to see the beautiful springtime blooms in the garden and let that sunshine pour in.
Never found the pair to your odd sock? It is a perfect rag for window cleaning.
Just soak in warm water and vinegar to dust off the blinds and fittings. This will take away extra dust and grime that may have built up.
To finish polish the windows with an old newspaper scrunched up. Dont ask us why, somehow, the ink on newspapers make the glass super shiny and removes any left over water marks from the cleaning.
4: Clean and Deodorise your Carpets and Tiles
Carpets and floor coverings are by far the things in the home that take a beating the hardest.
Freshen-up the carpet with deodorising powder, simply sprinkle it all over your carpet, some suggest to rub in with a clean broom. Wait the instructed time and vacuum up. It will leave the room smelling fresh like spring!
The best way to clean grout in tiles is
Spray warm water on the grout lines and scrub in a circular motion with a small nylon brush, let dry.
Fill a spray bottle with a half-and-half solution of vinegar and warm water.
Spray grout, let it stand for 5 minutes then scrub with a stiff-bristled brush using a circular motion.
(Note: Do not use this method if your tiles are made out of natural stone as the vinegar can be damaging).
For more stubborn stains: Make a paste of baking soda and water, cover the grout lines with the paste, and then spray on the vinegar solution. Once the mixture stops foaming, scrub with a brush and rinse with plain water.
3: Walls and Skirtings
It is surprising the difference clean skirting boards can make to the overall cleanliness of a home.
It is often a missed task in your weekly cleaning routine due to the physicality of getting on your hands and knees but boy does it make a difference. Have you become familiar with a magic eraser yet?
Not only are they cheap to purchase but can help you tackle scuff marks and mildew around the house. Just warm some water and soak one before using it to rub the marks away.
The hallway is the thoroughfare for kids, pets, bags scrapes, muddy shoes and the list goes on, it is also the most neglected space as it is a room to get from A-B, not spending much time to notice the ware and tare.
If your mark and scuff removal is on a much larger scale, we recommend sugar soap wipes, easy to use and you can pick them up from your local supermarket or Bunnings.
Could be a great task for the kids to do. Give them one wall each and see who has the cleanest wall at the end.
The Hallway is also the first place a visitor see’s, so make a good impression with clean walls and Skirtings.
This is why it is in our top 3 for Spring Cleaning.
Just spray the carpet cleaner and grab an old toothbrush and scrub the grout. Leave it for ten minutes and wipe away with an old rag.
5: Service or Clean Your Vacuum Cleaner
Whilst cleaning you may overlook the vacuum itself. Make sure it’s turned off first before you take an old rag and mild detergent to wipe down the surfaces. Take the dust bag off and rinse if possible. You can also use an old quick pick to get rid of the hair stuck around the bristles.
Bonus Spring cleaning tip !
6 : Clean the refrigerator
We just couldn’t leave this one out!
One of the biggest things to tackle that we don’t always enjoy would be the fridge. Slowly go through old and new items in the fridge and wipe down the shelves, doors and drawers. Take out the drawers and soak them in soapy water. You can use baking soda to deodorise the odours in the fridge just leave on a small dish and it will absorb them.
Happy Spring Cleaning!
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