At JUNK and Recycle Warehouse, our ethos is recycling and repurposing to create a sustainable community. We are all about giving back to our community.
For many of us, our pets are our family. They bring us joy and love us unconditionally.
At JUNK and Recycle Warehouse, we love animals, in fact, our office manager is of the four-legged canine variety.

On average we receive cat scratching posts, pet carriers, birdcages and feeding bowels several times a month. These are all pre-loved and in good condition. We aim to rehome as many of these items as possible to local animal shelters, wildlife organisations and veterinary clinics. Many Veterinary clinics and animal shelters run foster care programs and carers understandably need the essentials to look after the welfare of the pets in their care.
Animal shelters and wildlife organisations are generally in need of ongoing supplies of towels and blankets. We send large volumes to these organisations to help in their amazing work caring for animals and diverting these items away from landfill.
Next time you have some good quality unwanted pet items or bedding, consider reaching out to your local animal shelter, wildlife rescue agency or veterinary clinic to see if they can benefit from your donation.