JUNK Treasure: Diamonds In the Rough


JUNK is dedicated to its mission of reducing landfill and recycling wherever possible. Part of the JUNK Culture is to up-cycle as much material as possible of JUNK Treasure.

saving the environment

It’s evident that across the jobs we collect from. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. It quickly became an integral part of the JUNK mission to showcase to the community how much better up-cycling is, in the effort to reduce landfill. 

This week our highlight pick-ups were: JUNK Treasure
1) Model 5, Series 2 Victa Mower. This particular model was prominent from 1958-1961.

2) 1980’s Redline BMX with the groovy Skyway Tuffs. 

decluttering garage junk

We’d love to showcase your up-cycling feats! Submit your entry of your best Upcycle and we’ll feature you in the next issue: [email protected]

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