It is becoming increasingly popular to shop ethical as we become more aware of our footprint on this planet. In this article, we refer to ethical as avoiding products or packaging that may cause harm to the environment.

It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to shopping smarter for our environment. In Australia, 91% of plastic is not recycled and becomes trash or litter.
To help reduce landfill, we recommend two websites that sell ethical products for your home. Sifting through these sites, it is an eye-opener on how you can minimise waste just by using these products. 

It is not often we think about where the packaging for the products we buy end up and the consequences that landfill has on our planet. According to NSWMA, landfills are not designed to break down waste, only to store it. There is also a chance the chemicals inside landfill holes can contaminate waterways compromising communities close to the landfill sites

Buying ethical products may not be the overall solution to our war on waste, but it is defiantly the number one step in the right direction. With plastic taking 450 years to decompose; buying reusable, biodegradable products to replace plastic will dramatically reduce the amount of landfill, and the time it takes to decompose it.

Why Buy Ethical Products? Plastic-free Household Products
Why Buy Ethical Products? Plastic-free Household Products

We have found two websites that sell Ethical products and also have recycling programs to help you make sure that packaging is disposed of responsibly.
In this article, you will also find a little about home composting, being a plastic-free home and our five favourite ethical products. 

Flora and Fauna 

Flora and fauna source the best ethical, eco, organic and vegan products. They have a huge range with over 8000 products, 300+ brands, 100% vegan and cruelty-free.

Shop Now: 

Seed and Sprout

Seed & Sprout is a useful company that makes tools for the everyday person.
Tools that help you make healthy choices easy and reduce the reliance on single-use plastics. 

Their products are practical products that bridge the gap between the ideal and action. Products made for the everyday person. 

Shop Now:  


Besides buying ethical products, you can also reduce landfill by recycling organic waste at home through a composting system. Composting is when kitchen and garden waste is decomposed and can then feed your plants to promote healthy growth. If you have a veggie patch, your recycling can go full circle! By having a compost bin, you can minimise your household waste that would usually go to landfill.

How do compost bins work? 

Essentially a compost bin naturally breaks down organic matter like green waste, food scraps and paper. Microorganisms and oxygen cause the waste to breakdown resulting in highly nutrient soil that can then fertilise your garden.

Composting Organic Food Scraps
Composting Organic Food Scraps

What is the difference between compost and a worm farm?

Composts and worm farms all do the same job. They break down organic matter just in a different way. The type of system you decide on should depend on how much stuff you will be composting and how ample your space is. 

A Plastic-free home. 

Plastic is everywhere, not just in the kitchen. If you are starting to think about how your home can be more eco friendly, plastics are a great place to start. Reducing plastics in your home can be relatively straightforward. It is all about making the right decisions when you shop.

Firstly we all know about reusable shopping bags. You can take this idea a jump further by using reusable everything! The online stores we mentioned at the beginning of the article have great reusable options for your household. Including water bottles, coffee cups, straws, produce bags, shopping bags, food wraps and storage, food containers, body and beauty products, reusable nappies and cleaning items. 

Our Top 5  favourite products 

1. Coconut scourer from Seed & Sprout 

These scourers are an excellent replacement for the ones you buy from the supermarket, they are coated with natural tree rubber to hold them together and when it has lost it roughness, simply throw in the garden for the worms to enjoy. 

2. Wire Clothes Pegs

These wire clothes pegs from Flora and Fauna are a great alternative to plastic pegs, They a durable and will last the test of time, never while you have to put pegs back together again. The packaging it comes in is also plastic-free. 

3. Silicone baking mats. 

Replace your baking paper with reusable silicone baking mats. Though baking paper is essentially paper, it has a wax finish, and once you get oil or grease on the paper, it is no longer recyclable. 

4. Ever eco silicone food covers 

These silicone wraps are an excellent replacement for single-use plastic wrap. The can be used to seal dishes, bowls, cans, cups and fruit and vegetables. They can also be used to keep food fresh longer with an ait-tight seal—a great way to become a cling wrap free home. 

5. Bambo travel utensil pouch. 

This pouch from seed and sprout includes seven utensils that fit snug in this roll-up pouch, perfect for your handbag, backpack or pram! Never get court out when you are on the go. 

The overwhelming facts about the amount of garbage on this planet can seem daunting and out of our hands, but every little contribution helps. We have found just by talking about it has created a chain effect in our community.
Its time to look at our households differently and the impact we may be having on the environment. Though we don’t want to preach, we do want to spread awareness.
We hope you check out the websites we have recommended and start making your move on buying ethical products. 

You can reduce the junk in your home responsibly with

Article Written by Kat Marcius 29/10/20